Racheal and Michael Peeples daughter Haley will have her “reveal” on November 7th or 8th. Haley’s parents are very excited to reveal to Haley that her “make a wish” has been approved especially after waiting for three years.
As previously reported, Haley was born with chromosome duplication and cortical dysplasia in both hemispheres of the brain. These in turn has caused multiple seizures that have developed into epilepsy and autism.
Haley fights against tumors, kidney and bladder issues, and sensory issues. She also suffers from low muscle tone and uses a wheelchair for long distances. Haley’s mental state is a 7-year-old in a celebrated 14-year-old body.
Haley has gone through a lot of surgeries but in the past nine years, Haley’s has undergone three major brain surgeries. Each of these surgeries caused more complications and scares. The first surgery she was brought back on the table. The second surgery she had severe swelling the brain, and on the third a shunt was put in due to a stroke.
Haley’s Angels, a supporting group of family and friends are still asking for donations to help celebrate the reveal of Haley’s make a wish announcement. They are asking for small gifts such as cards, small prizes or gift cards to give to Haley on her reveal day.
Rachael has said, “So many of you know Haley’s wish from Make a Wish reveal is coming up and during her reveal it is our hope to make Haley as joyful and excited as she can be for her special gift. Helping her excitement and to show her so many of you care I am asking for small donations to be sent so that her reveal can be just as special for her as her actual wish coming true.”
Donations can be dropped off to Rachael or Michael Peeples, mailed or you can mail them to BC News and Stories LLC at 1485 Hiers Rd. Barney, GA 31625 where they will be given to the family.
“It is my hope that Haley’s Special Day of her Reveal is just as special for her and to let her know that so many of her community, friends and family care for her. Please help me to make this day for Haley,” said Rachael.
You may contact Rachael Peeples through messenger on Facebook, or you may contact them via phone or text if you have their numbers or information.
Let’s Make Haley’s Reveal a true day of pure happiness for this wonderful, caring, young girl.