Brooks County—On January 17, 2023, Brooks County Schools and the Board of Education Administration joined together for one night to bring the community more information throughout an event titled ‘Lend Your Voice’. The event lasted for two hours beginning at 5:30 p.m. and ended at 7 p.m. This event was held at the J.H. Wells Center, 1081 Barwick Rd. Quitman, GA.
The purpose of the event was to develop the commitment of the community support for student success. Childcare was available for those with smaller children and a light meal was also provided by the school made by the school nutrition director Chynna Wilson.
Upon arrival, attendees would walk into the lobby of the center and find tables set up with representatives at each. These tables included a sign in table, Brooks County High School CTAE program, Brooks County Athletics, ESS Substitute information, and Board of Education workers’ station.
Further information could be found has you entered the halls from the lobby including a set up for ECHOES afterschool program, the Brooks County CARES/American Rescue Plan Program provided in the schools, Infinite Campus program, and the sign in area for childcare.
Sessions for each of the schools began at 5:30 p.m. lasting an hour and a second session for those who needed more time to attend beginning at 6:20 p.m. Pre-K through 5th grade sessions were held in the Training Room, grades 6-12 overview sessions were held in the Board Room, transportation was held in Engage Brooks Resource Room, and the school security and safety was in the Data Room.
Tickets were given after the second session to obtain a meal provided.
Attendees could stop at any of these tables and obtain information on the subject or area of the school they wished to know more about. Questions could be asked, and explanations were given on the way these programs work.
EES substitute offered input on the way to become a substitute for the Brooks County School System and answered questions on the process as well as the needed documents.
Coach Perry, Director of Athletics, answered questions pertaining to the schools’ athletic programs in all the grade levels.
CTAE Director, Brian Law, provided the many pathways’ students could take while in elementary school through high school. Beginning with areas in drama, music, art, agriculture, and several more areas. Law explained the program’s design and how they introduce students to various areas of work-related career opportunities.
The Board of Education technology offered parents information on the Infinite Campus program offered for students, the administrative roles, workers roles, including technology, finance, and clerical.
CARES program offered throughout Brooks County schools was offering information for families that could help the students as well as the families in general. Their work is giving with the intendent to support states and local school districts’ efforts to safely reopen schools, address significant gaps in learning, and support measures of implementation that will continue to reduce the effectives of COVID-19 on students and families.
The Fine Arts Programs offered throughout the school coordinator, Janie Jones, also offering information on the focus of the Fine Arts programs. Their goal is to bring music, art, drama, chorus, band, dance, and more to students.
The ECHOES afterschool program at Brooks County was also in attendance offering information on the program and the program goals. ECHOES is offered in all grade levels at all schools.
Sessions given to attendees in regard to an overview of the schools. These overviews informed attendees of the schools’ goals, their state requirements, their incentives, their community partners and some of the clubs and programs they offered to the students.
Transportation and school security and safety offered parents and the community attendees an inside look into how they work, what they do in order to keep students safe, transport them safely and efficiently and to answer any questions attendees may have had.
As the event wound down, many attendees thanked the school for offering an inside look into their students’ school, for the help offered to them all, and for being given the community support they depend on to help students achieve success.
If you would like to know more about any of these areas, you may contact the schools or the Board of Education Administrators by going to their website at You can find every school and the board information here. You can also follow the schools and the district on their Facebook pages.