Brooks County—On Thursday, November 16th, Brooks County Heart & Soul launched Community launch for everyone in Brooks County. This launch was to help kick off the process of Community Heart & Soul community wide. That process pertained to making Brooks County citizens heard and Brooks County a better place to live, work, and play.
At the event, guest speaker, Coach Mrs. Jenny Robbins, discussed the three guiding principles of Community Heart & Soul, everyone’s individual guiding principles styles, the four phases of the process, identifying unique messaging for Brooks County and what follow in the next steps. She also covered what opportunities everyone had to serve and participate.
Those who attended found the launch a lot of fun, with activities, food, drinks, and educational. Through the guiding principles of Community Heart & Soul, many found they had a place where they could be involved. There are volunteers positions for various events, skills that can be used in volunteering in various ways and more.
For Individual communication styles, Robbins explained the differences in communication in five different styles. She explained the differences between each and how you could figure your own communication style. Once she completed that she offered each one to take a look at themselves to distinguish which style they may be.
After that activity, she asked groups to get together to answer one of the two questions: “What do you see when you see the logo? Or “What is Community Heart & Soul to you and how would you explain it?”
Groups enjoyed these exercises and came out of the launch with a better, more precise understanding of what they were individually, how they could help and what they may want to do for their home.
Stephanie Williams of Brooks County Development Authority and Community Heart & Soul Coordinator thanked everyone for coming, offered open doors for anyone who wanted to know more about this project and also thanked the speaker for coming.
Brooks County Heart & Soul Facebook announced how pleased they were with the Launch and how they enjoyed the community.
Community Heart & Soul of Brooks County is gathering information from everyone who works, lives, or has family in the county. Volunteers and group workers from all over the county are asking for information that is gathered in order to find what it is that the communities and people want and need.
If you would like to know more, volunteer for a part in this or simple be heard, you can contact BC News and Stories at, contact Stephanie Williams at, or call (229) 263-9085.