Brooks County, GA--On Thursday morning, residents in Brooks County, GA woke to sound of rain. Though the rain was badly needed, the dirt roads within the county became nearly impassable in some areas.
Hiers Road in north Brooks County was one such road. In previous days the area on this road was being torn up to put down the new fiber optic line Kinetic phone company is installing in the county soon. The road is mostly made of clay and rocks which took the workers longer to dig in order to lay the line. Workers from the company tried their best to cover and smooth the area they had to dig, but it still contained an immense amount of wet clay.
Furthermore, a landowner is also cutting timber and clearcutting an area further along the circled road towards the back portion. Skidders, log trucks, and other equipment have continuously made deep ruts throughout the Hiers Rd., and the connecting road Mitchell Circle. The large semis and equipment also made passing impossible for residents.
As the rain continued throughout Thursday, Hiers Rd., became a slippery mess from fresh dug clay and deep ruts. Vehicles could not find traction and began sliding very close the ditch area which were now nothing but mud that would sink their vehicles. Ruts and fresh clay also contributed to digging further into the ground were the vehicles tires moved and causing high middle road areas that damaged vehicles underside.
Residents throughout the day called the Brooks County Road Department and helped to pull other vehicles out of the roads. The logging company and the line laying company both had vehicles stuck on two of the exits blocking residents from leaving the road.
In response to the calls, Brooks County Road Department sent a grader out to smooth over the ruts on the lower section of the road so that vehicles good get out. On the large clay hill portion they blocked entry and exit for everyone. The company laying the line for Kinetic took that day and Friday off so as not to ruin the road further or cause more of their equipment to get stuck. The logging company continued throughout the day moving out logs in Semis that had to be guided out with a skidder. They knocked off when the grader came through.
On Friday, one entry/exit of Hiers Rd was blocked for everyone as the rain continued periodically. The logging company came again to the only exit and caused major road issues to the only way residents had out.
Residents throughout the road called the Brooks County Commissioner, Lee Larko and left a message. Others called and reported them to the Brooks County Road Department. Brooks County Road Department responded by shutting down the logging company until the road could become passable with large equipment, then scrapped the ruts out once again for the residents to travel on the road.
Further calls were made to the Brooks County Road Department throughout Brooks County due to roads being washed away from water, others called for clay roads becoming to slippery and further rut damages.
Brooks County Commissioners have approved a contracting company Clear Water Solutions just this past month. Clear Water Solutions recently met with the current employees with Brooks County Road Department and are hoping to begin repairs to county dirt roads by November 2023.