Racheal and Michael Peeples have a son Cody Peeples, who graduated out of Brooks County High and played for the BC Trojan baseball. If you happened to know this, then you know Cody has a sister named Haley.
Haley was born with chromosome duplication and cortical dysplasia in both hemispheres of the brain. These in turn caused multiple seizures that have developed into epilepsy and autism. Haley fights against tumors, has one working kidney, bladder issues, and sensory issues. Haley suffers from low muscle tone and uses a wheelchair for long distances. Her mental status is a 7-year-old, but Haley just celebrated her 14th year.
In nine years, Haley has undergone three major brain surgeries. In her first surgery Haley was brought back having passed while on the table. Her second surgery caused swelling in the brain and her third caused a stroke, making it necessary to put a shunt in.
Three years ago, Haley made a wish to the Make a Wish Foundation. On September 29, 2022, a representative out of Valdosta contacted the family to let them know Haley’s wish would be granted. In mid-October Haley will get the “reveal” of that wish and family and friends are all invited to help Haley celebrate that day. Actual date is unknown at this time but will be given out as soon as its announced.
Haley’s Angels, a supporting group of friends and family, are asking for donations to help make this day even more special for Haley. They are asking local businesses and people who want to donate to please donate to Haley in the form of whatnots and prizes. Cards, small prizes, etc. can all be sent to BC News and Stories, LLC at 1485 Hiers Rd. Barney, GA 31625. Gifts and donations will be given to Rachael Peeples before the announcement. You may also contact Rachael Peeples via messenger, social media, phone, text, or email.
Rachael stated in a post on her social media, “So as many of you know Haley’s wish from Make a Wish will be doing her reveal send off mid-October and it’s going to be huge.
I’m saying this to say to any of my friends who own businesses if you want to donate a prize for her reveal let me know. Its free advertisement.
I’ll let you know more about it when I know more but just saying to those who have businesses and know Haley, this is a great opportunity for the community to come together…”
Let’s make Haley’s day special and give her donations from her Brooks County friends and families.