October is National Book Month! It is a month-long celebration that celebrates the county’s best books and authors, but it is also a month where the importance of reading, writing, and literature are focused on in order to nurture a love of these things.
The National Book Foundation created the first Book Month in 2003 to help promote American booksellers and to promote reading in the United States. Initially, the National Book week was first established in 1919. Since then, it has grown immensely since the book impacts so much of society.
National Book Month is a time for everyone to read. It is a time to actively encourage reading, writing, and literary. Brooks County Public Library and Pavo Public Library have immense selections for every age and reading level. Read More Books (a Facebook page) encourages more reading in Brooks County as well.
Recently, Read More Books page shared a post that read, “Ponder this… You walk into a room of your fellow Brooks Countians. Once you enter the room, there are exactly 100 adults present. Of those 100 adults, 73 are not equipped with literacy skills needed to read more than one paragraph of text.
Facts: 30 percent of BC adults: Level 1 literacy proficiency. 43 percent of BC adults: Level 2 literacy proficiency.
Why is Early Literacy Crucial? Early Literacy skills lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning. When we nurture a love for reading in our youngest Trojans, we’re opening doors to endless possibilities. Literacy boosts confidence, expands creativity, and fosters empathy. It’s not just about words on a page; it’s about building bright futures!”
October is a month that wants young and old to read, to be creative, to embrace literature, and to grow in knowledge. Some of the best ways to do this is to start a virtual or local book club, create a reading list, write book reviews, donate books, explore different genres, and so much more. If you are business who would like to promote this celebration encourage reading by collaborating with local authors, host book-themed contests, offer discounts on books, create reading nooks for everyone, offer a room for book clubs, and more.
Everyone needs the skills of literature even today. If you or someone you know does not like to read, everything we do in this day and time requires reading. Reading a book, the newspaper, the instructions of work, a contract, the need for this skill is a must. The proficiency one has at reading is also key. Understand the words, the meanings, what the literature is trying to tell you.
Reading to someone will help, allowing someone to read to you will help, so do not be shy, encourage yourself, friends, family, kids, and read more!