On August 1, 2022, the Brooks County Board of Commissioners met for the regular monthly meeting in the Brooks County Court House. The meeting began at 5 p.m. and lasted for approximately an hour and half.
The meeting also included a public meeting on the closure of two roads. These roads were the Old Pavo Road and Giddens Road. Residents who live on both roads expressed the need to close the road and give to the landowners. Reasons the landowners stated were late night ridings and meetings for drug sells. Other reasons were the trash dumped along the road which included drug paraphernalia, beer cans and bottles, and more.
The second reason was that all residents had access to leave their property on another route. The landowners simply asked that the Brooks County Board consider these roads in abandonment and leave the care of them to those who live there. The meeting progressed after these statements during the public meeting and picking back up with their decisions later in the meeting. In a vote to abandon Old Pavo Road and portion of Giddens Road the Board approved with all yes.
Other business concluded during this meeting were the approval of minutes for July’s monthly meeting held on July 11, 2022, the special called/work session on the FY2022-FY2023 budget on July 13, 2022, the second special called meeting for the FY2022-FY2023 budget and lastly the final special called meeting of July 18, 2022. All voted yes to the minutes and the minutes were approved.
Reports from Committees and Departments were also heard. Not in attendance were the chairman report for the Board of Elections or Development Authority. These were amended by the board to be taken from the agenda at the end of the meeting should they not arrive. Representatives did not come and therefore the Board amended the agenda to take these two reports off.
The fire chief of the Brooks County Fire Department reported that in July the call volume was down for that month with around 37 calls. Previous calls coming in prior to the month were ranging from 40 to 55 calls, falls calls were the larger reason for calls.
Firefighters are continuing to prepare for ISO (Insurance Services Office) evaluation coming in October. Three firefighters were out due to Covid during this month.
Chief Catlett also reported that the new engines were going into the fire trucks at volunteer stations the first being that of South Brooks. The Fire Department also worked with the local EMA to dispose of waste dumped along the river. All volunteer firefighters have also been reported to have passed their state requirements. Further reports were pertaining to two of the firefighters currently completing different courses.
Firefighter Lanier just completed the Fire and Safety Educator course through Georgia Public Safety Training Center. Firefighter Gandy is completing Firefighter course 1 and 2 at Valdosta State College.
Chief Catlett also reported testing on the hoses and fire hydrants explaining that there were still some hoses left to finish testing, but the majority has been tested and reported that 96% of the fire hydrants have been tested.
Matt Connolly head of the Road Department also gave his report stating that roughly 200 roads have been graded, was able to complete some piping that was plugged up without having to get outside help. The need of a side arm is still a priority and Connolly reported that it would be better to rent the side arm in different sizes to see which would better fit. He also asked to get a form for citizens to sign so that the Road Department can help get people out of ditches or help people get unstuck on dirt roads when tow trucks are not able to get to them. Dump trucks are all running so they are able to use them now. Connally reported he had hired a new foreman, a man who has experience running all the equipment and a longtime resident of the county so he knows the area well. Connolly reported they have been able to concrete mixed with clay to make a new material, it is costly to bring up, so he is requesting the need to purchase a way to form their own and the machine that crushes the concrete would be close to paying itself off after using it for several thousand pounds.
Connolly also reported that all the calls that came in for the month were taken care of and completed. He personally goes to each area that is called to look at what the caller reported. He informed the Board serval of those calls pertained to the need of a side arm. Further discussion on roads pertained to the request for the water line to be moved in order to cut the ditches and the costs.
The Board explained that some of the discussions and projects the late Mr. Ben Devane was working on has since fell through due to lack of written documentation. The Board is currently working on the water company to further comply with moving the waterlines in order to dig certain ditches.
Inspections and Permits Department head Jason Montesano reported that he is working slower than previously. Permit requests have dropped in July with around 30 requests. Further inspections are being completed that were put on back due to excessive permit requests earlier.
New business included the FY2023 LMIG (Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant) Program reports due no later than February of 2023. The need to vote a delegate to attend the ACCG (Association County Commissioner of Georgia) Legislative Conference. The Board voted for Lee Larko, District 1, to attend the meeting this year. The Quoting for the Side Arm was amended to scratch from the agenda, the cell tower in Morven was tabled until the next workshop, and the land exchange offered by the City of Quitman for the old jail and land in exchange for their portion of the Farmers Market was considered not equal value and the Board no exchange on this.
Public comments were then heard by Board with citizens who had requested to speak were given five minutes. Those who spoke to the Board were Daniel and Franz Rowland on the request to buy their leased land in a bidding on the County Farm on Old Madison Road (Fritzke Farm), Karen Spell on her driveway on Oliff Road, Danny Black did not show, and Bobbie Beverly/ Melissa and Herbert Hart on a special exception for temporary use of RV as a residence.
The meeting closed soon after that with the county administrator updates and comments/notes from the Commissioners. There was no Executive Session scheduled at this meeting.
The next meeting will be a Special Public meeting on August 8, 2022, at 10 a.m. and again at 2 p.m. in regard to the mileage rate increase. This meeting will be held at the Board of Commissioners meeting room, 610 S. Highland Road, Quitman, GA 31643.