Brooks County—County roads and dirt roads are in very bad condition throughout Brooks County, Georgia. Many local citizens who must drive on these roads have made complaints and have seen little improvement over the years.
As conditions worsen with more traffic and no repairs the roads are becoming nearly impassable or drivable in areas. Citizens have begun to use social media accounts to voice their disappointment, disbelief, and concerns. The citizens have also called in for work to be completed but see little being repaired on the roads. Citizens are truly beginning to wonder if their tax dollars are being spent elsewhere.
County Commissioner Patrick Folsom said, “Brooks County Commission is actively working on the backlog of requests for road repair and maintenance. Heavy rains and inclement weather coupled with high winds have added to the day-to-day workload of the county road department which has compounded the backlog. The road department has continued to tend to the daily maintenance of the county road system while also addressing major pressing issues.”
The Commission is proposing to allow a qualified reliable contractor with experience, workforce, and expertise to help deliver road department service for Brooks County. This is in the hope that more work can be completed in a timelier manner from the backlog and to help take the entirety of the workload from the day-to-day maintenance the road department currently has. The Brooks County Commission is in the process of preparing to advertise for an outside company to take the scope of work covering the major road department services.
Folsom said, “Once the county has advertised for bids, as required by Georgia Statute, a contract will be ratified.” Until this contract can be ratified or bid on, Folsom says to continue to contact the County Commission with any concerns or requests pertaining to the roads. This form of communication will continue after the contracted company comes in to help. “It is the intent of the County Commission to deliver the highest level of service to the Brooks County Citizens,” stated Folsom.
Upon concerns with the tax dollars, Folsom wants citizens to know they welcome any citizen who has questions regarding the budget process or the budget itself to attend the Commission meetings. If citizens are unable to attend those scheduled meetings, they may contact the County Administrator for any specific budget item questions and requests for any paperwork.